School Supplies instead of Birthday gifts!

We had some very cute and thoughtful visitors come to our offices last week. These Regency Place students all have summer birthdays. Instead of receiving presents from their friends and family for each of their special days, they asked for backpacks and school supplies to give back kids in our school district that may not be able to afford to purchase a fancy backpack or the brand new supplies. What an amazing act of kindness and selflessness to give up getting something fun for yourself and collecting a need for a someone you don’t even know. There are over 2,500 students in our school district in need of assistance. The OPSF collects and purchases brand new supplies throughout the year to fill backpacks for kids from elementary to high school that qualify for assistance.

Thank you to Cecelia, Charlotte, Toby, and Jacob, for thinking of us on your birthdays! Someone special is going to love these!