Grants - all (all)

Fitness Room
Richard Brown, Chisholm Trail Middle School, $730

Portable CD players and audio books will help these second-grade students become better readers by allowing them to stretch into more difficult text without losing content.

The Loft
Caine Kriemendahl & Jill Vohs, Olathe East High School, $500

Funds for a changing room facility and more shelving will be provided to complete last year's pilot grant to open a confidential clothing closet for students in need.

World Drumming
Michelle Eickhoff, Pleasant Ridge Elementary School, $2,570

Congo and tubano drums will enrich the music curriculum at this elementary school as well as provide students in fourth and fifth grades the opportunity to perform in an extra-curricular drumming ensemble.

Clone Me, Please!
Jill Stuart, Westview Elementary Schools, $670

Handwriting slant boards help student handwriting skills by providing physical support while allowing opportunity for muscle memory to develop for a mature grasp. This teacher will create instructional DVD's to be used in the classroom and at home along with the student's slant board providing direct handwriting assistance.

Middle School Clubs
Brenda Shaw, Oregon Trail Middle School, $700

Research showing students who feel connected to their school learn better is one reason this school provides Friday club time. Weaving looms, jewelry-making tools, and 3D puzzles purchased from this grant will provide additional club opportunities for students increasing social skills and enhancing the school experience by creating a safe, enjoyable, and inviting atmosphere.

Ball Chairs
Dani LaBarge & Ceresa Schaffer, Olathe South High School, $900

Chairs especially designed for established fitness balls will provide safety and stability while giving special-needs life skills students the ability to move and constructively wiggle in their seats through "active sitting".

Learning Academy
Lori Fielder and Alison Melton, Rolling Ridge Elementary School, $3,003

As part of special extended-learning funding for this year's OPSF mini-grant program, this grant will provide twelve weeks of extended-day strategic learning for students in the upper primary grades in the areas of reading and math.

21st Century Reading
Anita Ross, Chisholm Trail Middle School, $282

Personal CD players and core curriculum books on CD will help make reading fun again for those reluctant middle school readers.

Woodland Art Galleries
Adam Moos, Woodland Elementary School, $750

Supplies to create a positive behavior reward art gallery will allow students "caught" making a good choice to exchange their WOW reward ticket for the opportunity to have their artwork displayed in this gallery. An additional Legacy Gallery will display advanced-level artwork by Woodland Elementary alumni encouraging continued upper level art instruction as students progress in their academic careers. This school's PTO agreed to match OPSF funding.

Home Involvement: Parent and Child
Shawn Fiscus & Ruth Henderson, Black Bob Elementary School, $1,000

Math-themed bags with electronic games, flash cards, and mental math games will go home with students over the weekend to help improve math competencies at the second and third grade levels.
